How SELF-ish are you?

How SELF-ish are you?

Who are you?  …beyond being a great mom and wife, daughter, friend, school volunteer? What makes your heart sing? What are your creative dreams? What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you being the woman you want your daughters to be? What kind of impact...

Dare to Disappoint!

Disappointment holds our desires–and our dreams– hostage. Which is why I have embarked on a bold experiment to figure out exactly what disappointment is and why we are so damned scared of it! You may not walk around feeling your life driven by the fear of...
How SELF-ish are you?

Creative Genius, You can Get it Done!

  You are a Creative Genius! Yes–you really are (even if you don’t always feel like one.) Sam Bennett, founder of the Organized Artist Company, is here to tell you why. She has just published a fun and fabulous book on creative productivity, Get it Done!...
How SELF-ish are you?

Resources for Writers

I love learning what people’s creative dreams are! And so many of you want to write. If that’s you, I have two great resources for you! Please share in the comments below other resources you love for writers. Writership is a virtual year-long program...
How SELF-ish are you?

And publish she did!

I’ll never forget how scared she was. Tracy texted me that she was feeling physically ill at the thought of posting her first piece up on Etsy. No one knew about her store yet; no one would see– and yet she still felt like she was going to throw up if she...