quiet river

quiet river: a symphony of beauty

quiet river,
slipping past.
a symphony
of beauty,
all the time.

down its path.

no director,
script or score,
no curtain call
and queerer still–
no audience at all.


The story: I wrote this poem while camping at Pedernales State Park recently with my family. I had promised myself beforehand that my creative play-date would be to take a walk alone.

I wandered down to the river as soon as the tent was up. It was hard to believe I had happened upon a scene so breathtaking–a pathway of stones scattered atop a quiet, easy-flowing river, golden in the light of the sunset.

I felt mildly inspired and jotted a few words down (on my iphone!)–perhaps a poem to be– perhaps nothing. It didn’t feel like anything of consequence–not compared to the symphony of beauty all around.

I hadn’t thought of those words since– not until I rediscovered them a few moments ago. I am delighted and amazed to see that they are indeed a poem–a poem that is worth sharing, a poem that managed to capture a magical moment beautifully.

My lesson: Trust your inspiration, however inconsequential it feels at the time. Jot down your thought, sketch your idea, snap the picture, spill the poem on paper. Creativity can be deceptively easy when you are in flow!

Your turn: What have you created that surprised and delighted you when you looked back on it? Please share your story in a comment below!