Join us for 2022 My Juicy Journal + Journal Jam!

                 Psst…it’s not about the journal!

Creativity is a tool for Resiliency. But as I’m sure you know, it can be surprisingly hard to access –especially when you need it most!

So much has changed in the last year. Whether you are struggling or have done remarkably well, we all need practices to deeply fill our creative well.

I humbly propose journaling as a doorway into your creativity–as well as a way to show up for yourself, over and over, like you would for your bestie or your sweetie. Julia Cameron–whose ‘morning pages’ solidified my journaling practice and inspired My Juicy Journal — calls it “a two way receiver/transmitter system.” Like a daily conversation with your favorite person, not every day will be too special or amazing, but the resulting relationship most likely will be!

Journaling can also be so FUN! …and JOY is the best antidote I know to stress and overwhelm. Of course joy doesn’t make hard things go away, but it can give us the hope and the fortitude to move through the challenges.

You can tell where I’m going with this, right? ☺ Yes, it’s true— I couldn’t be more excited to announce 2022 My Juicy Journal Workshop is relaunching with a live 30-day challenge starting April 1st!

I first taught My Juicy Journal in 2010 as part of another class at Austin’s Laguna Gloria Art School. By popular demand, it spun off into its own in-person course the next year; then I offered it online for the first time in 2012 (pre-zoom, we all phoned into a ‘tele-conference’ line!

Now, after months of shooting, editing, doodling and designing, she’s finally ready for prime time! The time-tested core content and structure are the same, but there are dozens of new videos, new downloadable templates (& sticker sheets! 😍) plus a pdf quickstart one-pager so you don’t have to wait a minute to get started!

     Consider this your invitation to the party!

If you join us this April, you’ll also get three live group sessions with Katherine, a supportive juicy journaling cohort and …(drumroll please) …a very special bonus prize: a ‘goody bag’ from my personal collage stash mailed to you –for everyone who successfully completes the 30-day challenge!

And if all that juiciness wasn’t enough, I’m also hosting a FREE Journal Jam on March 23rd. It’ll be a blast for anyone into journals but also for anyone who struggles with creative blocks.

Journaling can deeply fill your well, but before a journal can be your safe haven, you need to kick your Inner Critic out! We’ll vaporize those Inner Critics and get you unstuck so you can start using your superpower of creativity to make the world a better place.

Free Creativity Class & Journal Jam!

Kick Your Inner Critic Out of your Journal (& your life!)

Wednesday, March 23rd

9am PT/ 11am CT/ noon ET

Join the FREE Journal Jam!

Recording will be sent to all participants, but if you come live you can get some juicy coaching!

It is such a joy to share one my favorite things with you …which is also one of the most powerful creativity (and life!) tools I know!

I hope to see you at My Juicy Journal or the Journal Jam –or both! Wishing you a juicy, colorful week!


Contact us at with any questions!