“For someone who refuses to live in fear, you sure are afraid a lot...”
— says my Inner Critic…..
Now, I’ve worked with my Inner Critics long enough to know not to take this at face value. No, it’s not proof that I am a fraud. Actually it’s an affirmation that I am on the right path, living my dreams and being of service to the world.
We truly do teach what we need to learn. It could be no other way.
Yes, I feel afraid a lot. The choice I make is to not to LIVE in fear.
Enjoy this rare peek you into one of my art journals for a poem/painting/art-journal/video dear to my heart:
**special thanks to David Modler of www.journalfodderjunkies.com for the round image in my art journal**
Here are the words:
I Refuse to Live in FEAR
by Katherine Torrini
I refuse to live in fear.
Fear’s only goal
is to survive.
I choose instead
to be alive!
I choose to risk
I choose to fail
I choose to fly!
I would sooner
live my life
in danger than
live my life afraid.
I choose to wear my dreams
for all the world to see
I choose to bare my soul
to show you all of me
I decry the lie
that fear can
keep you safe.
In fact, I renounce
my faith in fear.
I choose instead
to put my faith in love.
I choose to
open up my heart
and let you in again
–even if that means
we’re torn apart.
I choose to risk my life
to live the life that’s MINE.
I refuse to live in FEAR
I choose to live my life ALIVE!
Take a stand. What do YOU refuse? What kind of life do YOU choose to live? What are YOU here to teach (and so, of course, also to learn)? Let me know in the comments below! I treasure your responses and reply to every one.
Fear Banisher, Love Lavisher
Ready to bust out of the tiny little box your fear has you trapped in? Ready to feel the sweet flow of irrepressible creativity and regular, spontaneous productivity? We need to talk!
If you are ready for a radically joyful approach to igniting your creativity and are ready to embrace the power of a mentor, cheerleader, and sacred guide in your Creative Emergence in 2015– Count me IN! I am delighted to announce the opening my individual mentorship program for for 2015:
so if you feel the call–Apply today!

P.S. You’ll never get rid of fear (or your Inner Critic, for that matter!) What you can absolutely develop a healthy relationship with fear. Yes! Not only is it possible– it’s required—to be able to take the kind of creative risks that your Sacred Spark is hungry for….like maybe even just clicking through to check out the Sacred Spark Creativity Incubator? 😉 Trust me, it’s way scarier in your head than it is in real life.
P.P.S. If you are ready– and I mean READY–to stop struggling and finally allow your Sacred Spark to shine –then I offer a surprisingly delightful journey into what you desire. Come play with me!