Anticipate it!: The Power of Foresight

Anticipate it!: The Power of Foresight

I have a time machine in my garage. This unassuming white box allows me to capture the fruit of my labor and send those gifts forward in time to a night when I am tired, hungry and in need of a dinner miracle. I’m so inspired by my freezer’s capacity for...
Inner Critic Hall of Fame: Miss Originality

Inner Critic Hall of Fame: Miss Originality

Miss Originality Doll Name: Miss Originality Wanted For: Being possessive, judgmental, snide, and suspicious, not to mention her obsession that everything be utterly original. And have I mentioned her aversion to repetition or routine? M.O: Shutting down any idea...
Inner Critic Hall of Fame: Miss Originality

Birthday Blog: The Gift of Receiving

I used to be shy about my birthday. I’ve even thrown a few big parties over the years and not told anyone until I brought out the cake. I  worried that people would feel obliged to bring gifts. I feared it would seem greedy for an adult to do anything but...