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Visual Magic for your Meeting
Engage Attendees
The EMS Today Conference wanted to engage with its 5,000+ attendees in a fun, as well as meaningful way, so we designed a 8’ by 20’ graphic wall that told the story of the conference, built anticipation for the final JEMS Games winners and also engaged in a large-scale interactive dialogue with attendees about important subjects like industry challenges and the mental and emotional health of EMS workers. Each day of the 3-day conference, we invited participants to answer one of the questions on post-it notes which we then synthesized into a graphic depiction of the community’s responses. We also designed two interactive satellite stations, deployed in other areas of the conference to highlight the Conference’s 35th Anniversary and International scope.
Inspire Collaboration
At the Child Poverty Collaborative Community Summit in Cincinnati, the secret mission was to galvanize participants into action by instilling hope and sparking collaboration–while avoiding overwhelm about a large, complex emotionally-charged problem. We collaborated with other graphic recorders to co-design a 24’ “puzzle wall” to organize the large volume of content into three overarching color-coded visual metaphors. Six different graphic recorders were positioned around the conference hall to simultaneously capture content from the discussion tables onto pre-cut “puzzle piece” boards. As the group completed discussion of each question, the completed “puzzle pieces” were placed back into the puzzle wall to create a concise, inspiring and deeply meaningful reflection of the community’s work that day. (It was later deconstructed and re-assembled in the foyer of their offices.)
Harvest Market Research
At the 2015 RAPS convention in Austin Texas, the Regulatory Affairs Organization wanted to find out why membership was lagging and how they could offer more value to their members. We worked with their market research team to create a “Board Room” and “Wisdom Wall” to engage attendees in large-scale interactive conversations to answer these questions. This is a great example of how graphic recording can be as impactful outside of conference sessions as it can be inside them.
Pledge Support
The simple act of signing your name or placing your ideas on an interactive board can have a powerful effect on your sense of involvement in and ownership of a change initiative. For the Cincinnati Child Poverty Summit we collaborated on an 8’ tall pledge board to galvanize the group to take on poverty together. For the new Dell Medical School in Austin Texas, we designed a board to elicit donors ideas and strengthen their commitment to support the Scholarship fund. For the Tennant Company, we designed a special pledge board where upper-level management literally signed up to be leaders of digital transformation!
Celebrate the Past, Envision the Future
Custom Vision & History Charts are a powerful way to both reflect on the past and create the future together. We often pre-design a history chart that can then be drawn in real time during an event.
We designed a custom chart to bring the strategic vision of the UT Dallas Business School Alumni Relations Department to life in a way that beautifully keeps their big picture at the forefront of their work.
Have Markers, Will Travel!
We are based in Austin, Texas, and travel nationally and internationally with markers in hand to bring the visual magic to you!
We’d love to bring our visual magic to your event!
Tell us a little bit about what you’re planning:
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Insights from our audience
“Katherine is a true professional in her field. I contacted her and requested a different approach from what she had typically done and she met this challenge head-on. During our 7 month planning process, she was very diligent in keeping in touch, working out all of the details and reassuring me that this would be a success. And she did not disappoint!
While on-site Katherine and her assistant were incredible and were able to handle the fast-paced decision-making we had to do when things were changing. They adapted well and we were thrilled with the outcome of the Graphic Wall. We gained great insights from our audience while doing so in a very different and engaging way, which was the ultimate goal. I would highly recommend Katherine’s services.”
Top of the Line Meetings
Katherine is a talented Graphic Recorder with a beautiful, clear, and vibrant visual style. She is a skilled listener.
I have full confidence in her as a Visual Scribe and I am often referring my past and current clients to work with her. Your meetings and event will certainly be top of the line with her in the room!
Supported the Speaker’s Message
Katherine is a detailed graphic recorder who was great to work with. I hired her for an event in Dallas for one of my Aerospace clients and she did not fail to deliver! He recordings were spot-on, full of color and super vibrant. They were easy to read and understand and helped support the speaker’s message in a unique and fun way.