listen to the leaves

calling and cajoling,

leading you astray

beckoning you come away

from your desk today.

do not delay.

listen and obey.


listen to the leaves

chattering and clattering

to join them in the glade,

leaves that jiggle, giggle, wriggle,

rustle, scrape and sway.

what do they say?

listen and obey.


listen to the leaves

crisp and crunch beneath your feet

walk among us, and upon us.

find your heart again,

lost amid the leaf litter

you hear what they say.

listen and obey.


listen to the leaves

lengthening you and strengthening you.

feel the scent of sap settle slowly in your senses.

watch in wonder as your soul unfurls once more

set upon the soft brown forest floor.

today is the day.

listen and obey.


now go, in peace

back to your life and work

leave the leaves behind you for today

but don’t forget to let them lure you

away to play another day

listen to the leaves

listen and obey.


Happy Earth Day!

by Katherine Torrini